Foundational Fitness
Small group training – with a twist! Build your confidence and capabilities in the gym by establishing a strong foundation. Suitable for all ages & fitness levels.
About Foundational Fitness
Our goal is simple – we want to help you fall in love with fitness, build your confidence with foundational movements and teach you how to self correct your form.
Each week, we will move through a carefully curated plan which will set you up for success and allow you to take the principles home, to the gym or anywhere you choose to work out.
Not feeling your fittest? Don’t let that stop you! These classes are designed to meet you exactly where you are and each exercise can be modified to accommodate your needs.
Meet your trainers
Hi, I’m Kate Cairnduff and I’d love to introduce you to long term client & now qualified group trainer, Madi Cadonetti.
Maddi embodies our values at Fitness Manouvers and I’m thrilled to say she will be leading the Foundational Movement classes.
We pride ourselves on delivering the highest standard of fitness education and look forward to working with you to achieve your movement goals.
The nitty gritty...
- Foundational Fitness sessions are held in 6 week blocks for $99
- One session per week on Saturdays 9:15am-10am (arrive at 9:10am)
- Each week, you’ll be introduced to new concepts which both stand alone and build upon each other.
- Missed sessions cannot be caught up
- All fitness levels are welcome. Please let us know about accessibility requirements or injuries so we can safely accommodate your needs
- Max 8 people
Getting started
Book Your Spot
Foundational Fitness group classes are offered in 6- week blocks for $99.
Clear Your Calendar
Sessions will be held each Saturday morning from 9:15-10:00am for a 6 week period.
Get sweating & smiling!
Bring along your water, a towel and some comfy clothes.
Keen as a bean?
We love to hear it!
We’ve decided to revisit Foundational Fitness classes later in the year. To be the first in the know, pop your details in the form below and we’ll let you know as soon as the first term is ready to launch.
Over to you,
Kate & Madi.